Noa Charuvi

Artist's Website

Observing construction sites in Manhattan, I interpret them in a broader context of resurrection and transformation. I am interested in the surface aspect of architecture as a reflection of the times, and in exposing inaccessible views and things that are not ordinarily considered beautiful. The grandeur of construction is reduced to frames showing the materials and process. Revealing the craft of building is parallel to the way my brushstrokes reveal the craft of painting.

Noa Charuvi (b. Israel) holds an MFA Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts. Her work was exhibited internationally in museums and galleries in New York, Israel and Europe. Noa was a resident artist in Art Omi International Artists Residency, Yaddo, Lower East Side Rotating Studio Program and the Lower East Side Printshop. She was recently part of the Artist-in-Construction residency of Art-in-Buildings in Manhattan, a program that has been reviewed in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. She lives in Brooklyn with her family.